MapServer Park County


Park County Archives holds an extensive collection of research materials to make studying our region’s history both easy and enjoyable.

Beauvais created Mapserver Park County as an effort to spread local history to as many people as possible and hopes to continue adding maps as he has time.

Table of Contents


GIS maps convey geographic data regarding any given area. They can represent topographical, structural, hydrographic, historical, and population data about any given place – making this tool invaluable to many public and private institutions alike.

WTH Technology and local government agencies regularly update this data, with WTH Technology making no guarantee as to its accuracy or merchantability. Users assume all risk and liability associated with using this web application and its data.

Voters can quickly locate their polling place using this map service and view election results for 2012. In addition, this map also depicts County Service Locations such as fire stations, police districts, beats, and Streetlight Maintenance reporting areas, as well as provides a general-purpose map viewer that lets them check out other public facilities within their county.


MapServer Park County app requires high-speed Internet to display maps and other data, so to access them, it may be necessary to disable pop-up blockers temporarily. Furthermore, please use an up-to-date web browser such as Chrome 44 or later, Firefox 44, Safari 10+, or Microsoft Edge for optimal viewing experience.

This error indicates that the projection defined in an EPSG file does not match its mapfile-level PROJECTION value. To rectify, ensure that your epsg file specifies a node that matches up with your map file’s PROJECTION value and then verify if its FONTSET path matches up as expected by checking with OGRINFO; Linux/Unix users should note that FONTSET paths can differ casewise.

This website presents GIS maps with property tax data to the general public. This tool allows users to search for specific properties, view aerial photographs, and access school-related data in their area, as well as obtain directions and valuable links.

This map is provided as a public service by the Prince William County Geospatial Technology Services Program of the Enterprise Applications Division of the Department of Information Technology. All data on it comes from sources that are believed reliable; however, no representation or warranty can be made as to its accuracy or completeness. Users assume full responsibility for using this information correctly and understand that it should not be taken as legal advice.